Maha govt to table anti-spitting Bill in Budget Session:

Week 1-7 february:  

• Concerned over the sharp rise in infectious disease like tuberculosis, Maharashtra government will introduce a bill banning spitting in public places in the upcoming state Legislature Budget session scheduled next month.

• According to the proposed legislation, offenders spitting for the first time will have to pay a fine of Rs.1,000 and also do a day of community service at public places or at government offices.
• If caught second time, the offender will be slapped a fine of Rs.3,000 and do three days of community service.

• For repeated offence, the offenders will have to pay Rs.5,000 fine and do five days of community service.
• Simply paying a paltry fine is not enough and so the government has decided to provide for compulsory community service. The offender will be given a broom and asked to do community service by sweeping public places and government offices.

• The aim is to hurt the ego of the offender and desist him from repeating the act.