This is the second part of our observation for dividing essay topics under various categories. The first part can be accessed here Part-1
Policies & Governance related :
- Economic growth without distributive justice is bound to breed violence (1993)
- Politics, Business and Bureaucracy: A fatal triangle (1994)
- Politics without ethics is a disaster (1998)
- The language problem in India; It’s past, present and prospects (1998)
- Reservation, politics and empowerment (1999)
- The Masks of New Imperialism (2003)
- Water Resources Should Be under the Control of the Central Government (2004)
- Evaluation of Panchayati Raj System in India from the point of view of eradication of poverty to power to people (2007)
- Role of the media in good governance (2008)
- Are we a soft state ? (2009)
- Globalism vs. Nationalism (2009)
Abstract :
- Our deeds determine us ; as much as we determine our deeds
- Truth is lived, not taught(1996)
- True religion cannot be misused (1997)
- Value based science-and education (1999)
- The march of science and the erosion of human values (2001)
- The pursuit of excellence (2001)
- Search for Truth can only be a spiritual problem (2002)
- If youth knew, if age could (2002)
- The paths of glory lead but to the grave (2002)
- How should a civil servant conduct himself ? (2003)
- There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so (2003)
- Justice must reach the poor (2005)
- What is real education ? (2005)
- Independent thinking should be encouraged right from the childhood (2007)
- Attitude makes habit, habit makes character and character makes a man (2007)
- National identity and patriotism (2008)
- Discipline means success, anarchy means ruin (2008)
- Good fences make good neighbours. (2009)
Current Affairs related :
- Ecological considerations need not hamper development (1993)
- Multinational corporations-saviours or saboteurs (1993)
- Restructuring of Indian education system(1995)
- New cults & godmen: a threat to traditional religions (1996)
- The world of Twenty First century (1998)
- Restructuring of UNO to reflect present realities (1996)
- Mass media and cultural invasion (1990)
- Resource management in Indian context (1999)
- The Cyberworid: its charms and challenges (2000)
- The country’s need for a-better disaster management system (2000)
- The implications of Globalisation for India (2000)
- My vision of an ideal world order (2001)
- Modern Technological Education and human values (2002)
- Food security for sustainable national development (2005)
- Importance of Indo-U.S. Nuclear Agreement (2006)
- Education For All Campaign in India: Myth or Reality (2006)
- Globalization Would Finish Small-Scale industries in India (2006)
- Special Economic Zones’ Boon or bane (2008)
- Are our traditional handicrafts doomed to a slow death ? (2009)